Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India



Art & Deal Articles

People for Animals
People for Animals (PFA) is the largest
animal welfare organization in the country.
They have 34 hospitals, which are working
progressively to make India free of rabies.
They do animal rescue work and their
efforts have shown great results, such as
the green/red dot on packaged material,
the removal of animals from circuses and
the removal of whips from horse-riding.
Their hospitals rescue over 5000 animals a
day. All units of PFA actively fight poaching
and PFA members are also on the Film
and Censor Board of India to check animal
abuse in films and have successfully filed
cases against those that misuse them.
They check circuses to ensure compliance
with the ban against the display of tigers,
bears, panthers, lions and monkeys.
Scores of animals have been rescued
and rehabilitated. They actively patrol
highways to check against overloading and
smuggling of animals for slaughter.
To sustain these animal welfare