Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India

Face to Face

Face to Face

Art & Deal Articles

Shubhalakshmi Shukla speaks to Jyotee about her latest project on
genetic modification and art.
S.S: Could you please speak about how you see the existing world of
foods around us? Like several examples of GM fruits and vegetables, the
story of the Indian brinjal (egg plant) and the fight for conscious living
and eating habits and how ‘consumption’ takes a metaphorical identity
in your works?
Jyotee: When I think of food or recipes, it brings to my mind – a cook,
ingredients, cooking and one who consumes. “The way to a man’s heart is
through his stomach” is an often-quoted proverb, but the rest of us need
much more than cooked food alone!
Cooked food is consumed and becomes