Art & Deal

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Art & Deal Articles

Sushma Sabnis
A Paradigm of Beauty

An intense beauty is rendered permanent and timeless when juxtaposed with the abhorable ugliness of things. It is this quality of life’s chiaroscuro-esque balance that German artist Martin Eder captures in his artworks. In his first solo, ‘Monsters of Silence’ previewing on 15th November 2013 at Gallery Isa, Mumbai, he presents the black, white and grey metaphors of life and beauty, in an interview with Sushma Sabnis. Sushma Sabnis: What do the animals, flowers and
fruits symbolize in your paintings? Martin Eder: They are protagonists of complete harmony and discomfort, both at the same time. SS: What other natural elements do you use as a metaphor in your paintings? ME: I use very classic imagery as people/ animals/and landscape to express the madness of the world. These elements in my view are sufficient to express my work.

SS: Why are most of the works painted with a background sky that is about to burst into a violent storm? ME: I love drama, and I love danger. A painting has to be dangerous at all time through history, otherwise it becomes pure decoration. SS: Tell us about one of your specific experiences as an artist which inspired one of the paintings on display?