Metro Dreamin’ (or.. ‘Buy one get one free’) – Aditya Dhawanfor survival begins all over again…and again…and again.
Sometimes my story, sometimes his story, sometimes our story.
That worn out shoe beneath the glitter and flare. Quiet acceptance or simmering
revolt? Like that man who stared right back at me through a parted sea of striped
limbs. An urban warrior from a grunge town, a defiant emperor of the mole people,
or perhaps an angry elf on a mission entirely his own.
‘Bad News’ is always a possibility… so hold on to your babies and hold on to your
“Work Hard, Fly Right”, that’s what they tell us. But sometimes, it is okay to tip
the cap and take a snooze.
Life is a journey and we are all passengers in transit.
Like a friend wrote to me in an email today – “Do less, Be more”.