Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India



Art & Deal Articles

The J. J. School Of Art Brand
Sushma Sabnis

The Applied Art department offers the same in
Illustration, Typography, Design Display, Computer
Graphics and Photography. Applied art offers 100 seats
each year, 95 are for the open category and 5 for outside
Maharashtra state applicants.
Any student who has cleared 12th standard in any
stream is eligible to apply. The students have to undergo a
Common Entrance Test (CET), which is a 200 marks exam
on object drawing, practical design, memory drawing
and general knowledge, additionally, the Maharashtra
government-graded Intermediate exam is also considered
for grading. The CET takes place in May and the results
are declared two weeks later. Upon clearing this CET,
the student goes through a three level CAP (Centralized
Allotment Process), where the student makes the initial
choices of subjects. The CAP forms are submitted at the
ARC (Application form Receipt Centres) at several places
in Maharashtra. All this information is available on www. J. J. School has also provided degrees to many
art colleges in North-Central India.
J. J. School of Art, being a government recognized
organization, maintains a comparatively low fees
structure. The J. J. School library is one of the oldest, most
well-equipped libraries. The studio facilities for Fine and
Applied Art are one of the best in the world. The school
also houses some rare collections of art in the form of
paintings, drawings, murals, sculptures, ceramic works,
metal works etc. The canteen of J. J. School is often the
hub of activity and projects being discussed and planned.
J. J. School has an illustrious list of artists/educators
who changed the face of the Indian art scene, like Mahadev
V. Dhurandhar, Shankar Palshikar, Antonio Xavier, Akbar
Padamsee, Tyeb Mehta, P. A. Dhond, V. S. Gaitonde and
Prabhakar Kolte.