Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India

Art & Deal

Cover Story

Storytelling: generation to generation – Gaurav Kumar “If you listen carefully, you will become a different person by the end of thestory”. -Vyas, Mahabharata. Man has learned to speak in the universe, along with that he has alsolearnt to listen…


A new Edition and a new Theme. Storytelling is a long-standing practice in human society. Since timeimmemorial, stories have been a medium of communication. Theyhave been the strength of keeping people intact to the roots of theirculture, and they have…

Cover Story

Stories Engraved in Stone: Jataka Tales and the Scenes from Buddha’s Life at Sanchi – Surabhi Sharman In the heart of India, located some 48 km from Madhya Pradesh’s capital city, Bhopal, is one of the most revered sites of…

Cover Story

TRACING BACK TO EXISTENCE: A NARRATIVE OF CULTURAL EXCHANGE – Akhila GN The glorified land of spices located in the southern peninsular area of India is popularly known as ‘Malay Nadu ‘(Kerala) renowned through colonization and altered narratives of religion…

Cover Story

Mythic Imageries: Reading a Narrative Scroll of Santhal Creation Myth – Rahul Majumder In the eastern Indian states of West Bengal and Jharkhand, an indigenous community of artisans paints narrative scrolls of mythical and religious tales as their hereditary craft,…

Cover Story

THE VOICE OF CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHER: STEVE McCURRY – adapted by Ashley Crabill from the book steve mcCurry: a life in Pictures by Bonnie mcCurry (2018) Steve mcCurry has been one of the most iconic voices in contemporary photography for more…


Dear Readers, I would start off with the message quoted by T.S. Eliot in Four Quartets, where he said and I quote, “ For last year’s words belong to the last year’s language, and the next year’s words await another…

Cover Story

The Magical Tool: History of Photography in india Since 1840 Gaurav Kumar Without the natural gift of artistic expression, all the art knowledge in the world will, in nine cases out of ten, when applied to photography prove futile. It…

Cover Story

Raja Deen Dayal: An Unforgettable Artist & Prince of Photographers Gaurav Kumar hile the world of Indian princes adopted the British raj, an Indian photographer rose to a place of great prominence and honor. he was lala deen dayal (1840-1905)….

Cover Story

Framing Representations Indian Women in Early Photography – Surabhi Sharman The 19th century witnessed the growing acceptance of western modernity in India, and as a result, a counter ideology of the New Indian Woman began to permeate into the nationalist…

Cover Story

Sunil Janah’s Photo Journalism: Weaving Everyday Aaesthetics Through Politics – Urvi Chheda Old man: (While sipping curry) this lack of rice and the way the price of rice is increasing like this. do you know why this is happening? Gangacharan:…

Cover Story

Beyond The Human Eye – Aadya Baoni “Photography enabled me to record with a camera the images seen by my eyes and then transform them to the perceived ones I desired, in a darkroom or with Photoshop.” – Jyoti Bhatt…



Goa Familia: An Evolving Archive Of The Goa’s Social History – Manashri Pai Dukle Photography in India has been an important aspect of documentation, since the time of its origin in the mid-19th century. Propagating at a time when colonial…



Ethics In Contemporary Photojournalism – Has Kajodi Reached Home? – Rahul Bhattacharya Many years ago, the Wanted series initiated the dialogue on ethics in photography. a seminar was organised at max muller Bhavan delhi in collaboration with goa- Cap and…



Elements Of The Earth Metaphysical Crimson Meditations – Elizabeth Rogers Innate harmonies, connecting broader dimensions of time and space, thus art provides a means to express the imagination in non-grammatical ways not tied to the formality of spoken or written…



Pushpamala N: Role Of Media In The Re-imagined Cultural Milieu – Saraswathy K Bhattathiri Pushpamala is a Bangalore based photo performance artist extensively working on themes around representation and gendered identities from 1990s. With a degree in sculpture and practice…



Codes Painted On Internet: Art Of Baiju Parthan – Arushi Basaria “Paintings, digital media works and installations that I have been producing for the last three decades or so, have a common thread, which is my interest in cosmological (cosmographical…



Introspecting The New Paradigms In Photojournalism Of The Folk Communities By Partha Seal – Afreen Kraipak Khyriem The oeuvre of the photojournalist Partha seal is perceptive to the documentation of folk communities, livelihood, and interaction of rural with the encroachment…



Of Art, Heritage & Wanderlust In Conversation With Sanjay Das – Upasana Bhattacharya A camera, an sUV and some great ideas. sanjay das travels through the country, riding on his Bucephalus, winning one great imagery after another. Images of Indian…



Sisterhood. Togetherness. Belonging A Conversation With Sujata Khanna – Prachi Venkataraman The camera has been a vital way of bearing witness to world events. social documentary photography reinvents this tool to shed light on deeper social issues and is often…

Photo Essay

Photo Essay

Radio Mirchi X Aravani Art Project #lionsofcovid The aravani art Project is an artistic collective that creates spaces for people from the transgender community to connect with other communities and cultures in their local neighborhoods. through public art and interventions,…

Book Review

Book Review

Your Studio Crumbled And Died – Joyona Medhi Daffodils gave way to diamonds, Bicycles went out of fashion, Butterflies shed their wings and cried, Your studio crumbled and died… The saint Paul daily globe, a newspaper of note in minnesota,…



Luc Tuymans: Downfall – Rajesh punj To look at and into a painting of Belgian artist luc tuymans is to encounter the visual world as though born of abstraction. of ice-cream coloured textures that serve to illustrate the banality of…

Book Review

Book Review

RAISING HELL FOR PEACE Social activist cum Management Consultant, Shashi Bakshi, releases his first self-published work, ‘Raising Hell for Peace’ The digital edition is available on Amazon Kindle and Goodreads, from December 2020 The lockdown and pandemic have given many…

Art & Culture

Art & Culture

Knowing Dashrath: An anatomy of how we remember an artist – By Joyona Medhi I am no connoisseur of art. Neither do I claim to make any head or tail out of abstract art. However it is interesting to know…

Cover Story

Cover Story

Concept & History of Abstract art: Western & Indian Timeline – Gaurav Kumar I wish to approach truth as closely as is possible, and therefore I abstract everything until I arrive at the fundamental quality of objects. -Piet Mondrian Sometimes…

Cover Story

Cover Story

VASUDEO S GAITONDE – Art & Deal Correspondent Over the past decade, appreciation for Vasudeo Santu Gaitonde (1924–2001) has grown markedly. But why has recognition been so belated compared to his contemporaries? There are likely a number of factors. As…

Cover Story

Cover Story

Sohan Qadri – Uma Prakash Sohan Qadri’s meditative work emanates the soul of an artist, poet, and Tantric Guru. There is a feeling of tranquility and spirituality that permeates all his work. Qadri was born as Sohan Singh in a…

Cover Story

Cover Story

Saurashtra Series: Raza’s Metaphysical Journey towards Indigenous Self – Urmila Banu Abandoning the visual description, embracing the objective reality through gestural brushstrokes, impasto-ed application of incandescent colours, metaphorical use of geometric forms, a mystical equilibrium of contrasts and hues to…



Searching lines and the quest for indigenous in Abstraction: Worlding of Klee and the Indian Moderns Abstractionism and Conceptualism as an influence was seen in the years of the 1940s and 1960s. These two can be attributed to the post-colonialism…



Dear Readers, It was not until the 1950’s when Abstraction as a form of art got its shape. The general tendency during this time was to rejuvenate the abstract motifs on canvas and disown the human figure in the paintings….

Book Release

Book Release

RENOWNED ARTIST SUMITA REKHI RELEASES A SATIRE ON THE INDIAN WOMAN’S JOURNEY IN “IT’S NOT ME”. One of the Renowned Sculptors, Sumita Chandani Rekhi released a satirical account of the Indian woman’s journey, “It’s Not Me”. The book “It’s Not…

Cover Story

Cover Story

Tarpana: The holy act of Remembering one’s Ancestors SHANKU SHARMA Usually, thousands of families converge at the historic Barak River (especially the Sadarghat area) in Silchar to pay respects to their elders (Tarpana) in the form of offerings during the…

Cover Story

Cover Story

Patua: Bengal’s minstrels of mythos UPASANA BHATTACHARYA Daitya once lived in the hills outside a tiny village in Bengal. He had caused massive pandemonium in the lives of the locals, for he would come out at night and devour whoever…