Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India

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A gamut of connotations, expression
of personal ideologies, skilful practise, set
of possibilities, a dream of freedom and
a common platform, the exhibition titled
‘WHATS NOT TO LIKE? Art: From Th en
and Now’ at India International Centre, from
9th – 22nd September, jointly ventured by
Siddhartha Tagore and Dolly Narang opened
up new possible avenues for the contemporary
and emerging artists.
Th e contemporary art world is enormously
blossoming with extraordinary thoughts
supported by multi-faceted engine of global
productivity. Mostly the contemporary art
which is also associated with hybridism is
infl uenced by concurrent events and issues,
the artists of the present times, tend to
showcase hyperrealism, new media creations,
installation art, digital representations, and
public awareness. Th e exhibition attempted to
highlight the intangible expressivity fl owering
in the art world in present scenario. A fusion of
mediums and ideas, the exhibition showcased
artworks that were infused with spiritualism,
scenic beauty, auto-biographical perspective,
cityscapes, abstraction and dynamism.