Dhaneshwar Shah
The European Union has very significantly enriched its cultural wealth as well as its cultural diversity. Art has to search for a new position in society or, vice versa. Nitra is one of the oldest town ettlements located in South-Western Slovakia and is the fifth largest city of the country. Its name is connected with the beginning of the history of Slovakia. It is fast eveloping regional center known for its culture ,fashion food and mechanical industries. Here you can encounter number of artists from different fields- theater, arts, music and experience the unforgettable feeling of the present cultural spirit. Events like ashion carnivals, Academic Nitra, Theater Festival of Nitra, and various music festivals. One of most important art ctivityULTIPOINT ´International Art Symposium, an rganization that brings national and international artist together on one platform. Its rious programmed are designed to offer artists and curators alike the greatest possible freedom to experiment With novativeTAking methods and approaches to communicating with different public. This year, the theme of the symposium is OUT OF TE ORDINARY – or regarding everything that is bizarre, exceptional, incredible, notable, odd, offbeat, out of this world, spacial, strange, unheard, unique, unusual and wonderful at the same time. The subject and technique will be decided by the artists. The 10-day event attempts to support activities of the temporary international artistic community and also encourages cooperation of Slovak and international artists. Artistic symposium gives the participants the opportunity to step into the creative moment of freedom of self-expression. Spiritual insight is emphasized along upon with the mastery of technique.