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JIVA-REVIEW by Gaurav Kumar

Art & Deal Articles
Ompal Sansanwal, Untitled / Acrylic, pen and ink on canvas / 72 x 102 inches, Image Credit: Black Cube Gallery

The opportunity to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of nature through the inspiring “Jiva” art exhibition in New Delhi is the best Earth Day gift a curator or artist can give an art enthusiast.

The curation of Uma Nair’s recent exhibition “Jiva” stands as a testament to her deep understanding of artistic expression and storytelling through the visual medium. Wandering around the gallery space, I was enveloped in a wonderful world created by National Award-winning artist Ompal Sansanwal’s masterful strokes in acrylic and ink on canvas and paper. Life seemed to stir every canvas, inviting viewers to delve deeper into the intricacies of acceptable nature.

Exhibition Title: Jiva

Artist: Ompal Sansanwal (Solo Exhibition)

Presented by: Black Cube

Curator: Uma Nair

Duration: 27 April–3 May 2024.

Location: Ballroom and Main Art Gallery, Bikaner House, New Delhi

Decorated with lush foliage and exotic foliage, Sansanwal’s paintings act as windows into the natural world and soul. Nair’s choice of 60 artworks for Sansanwal’s much-anticipated solo show was nothing short of inspiration. The artist’s story and inspiration unfold with each stroke, each stick bearing witness to the passage of time and the countless emotions of nature painted on canvas.

The week-long exhibition organized by Sanya Malik, Black Cube Gallery, began on April 27.  Ratish Nanda, renowned Indian conservation architect and CEO of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), inaugurated the exhibition.  The exhibition was on view at the Bikaner House of the Art Gallery until May 3.

Ompal Sansanwal, Untitled / Acrylic, pen and ink on canvas / 48 x 60 inches, Image Credit: Black Cube Gallery

Ompala’s paintings range from solitary studies of tree trunks and branches to large, multifaceted mass scenes, depicting events such as Christ’s Last Supper, Krishna holding Mount Govardhana aloft, Shiva and Parvati marriage, or even the Battle of Kurukshetra between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Peaceful in tones of ocher, sienna, and blue, it reflected Ompal’s signature style, with tall roots and branches or say with long veins combined. coming together to form a person, almost as if in conversation. According to Black Cube Gallery director, Sanya Malik,“Each stroke on these expansive canvases is a testament to months of meticulous dedication. With every detailmeticulously crafted through a meditative dance with his Rotring pen, Ompal Sansanwal transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. His profound conceptual clarity intertwines seamlessly with unparalleled technical mastery, guiding viewers on a voyage through celestial skies, foliage, cityscapes, and fauna. Sansanwal is not merely an artist; he is a sage, a modern-day explorer of the natural world whose canvases serve as portals to a realm where humanity reconnects with its primordial roots. As stewards of his 15-year odyssey, we are humbled to unveil this body of work, a testament to his unwavering commitment. Witnessing the public’s immersion in Sansanwal’s universe over the past week has been a strong validation of his ability to captivate and transport.”

Born in 1964, Sansanwal is an alumnus of the College of Arts New Delhi and received the National Award in 2002 and the All India Award in 1991, presented by the Rajasthan Academy of Fine Arts. LTG Gallery, New Delhi, and Shridharani Gallery, New Delhi, and group exhibitions at the Nehru Center in London and inside Yugoslavia. “When I was younger, I would often accompany my mother to the forest and on the way, she would tell me mythological stories of Mahabharata, Ramayana, Shiva and Krishna. Those stories stayed with me. When I looked at trees when I was younger, I used to wonder where their body parts were, how did they breathe… I used to get carried away with my imagination. Around 20 years ago, the commotion inside my mind settled, and I started working on this series. The roots somehow began to take shape and I got pulled in.” Says Ompal Sansanwal

Nair’s curation expertly guides site visitors through Sansamval’s inventive evolution, taking artworks of the highlights of his creative journey over the last 15 years, from his earliest works to the prevailing. Each tree depicted in Sansanwal’s artwork tells a completely unique story, weaving together threads of life, boom, and connection. While describing Ompal’s work, Nair says: “For three decades, Sansanwal has devoted his artistry exclusively to the arboreal realm, crafting delicate renderings that evoke the profound interconnection between humanity and the natural world. His reverence for the banyan tree underscores his belief in nature as a sanctified realm, eternal and sublime.”

What sets art critic Nair’s curation apart is her ability to create a cohesive narrative within the gallery space. The layout invites exploration, and each image is strategically placed to enhance the theme of biological strength and resistance with careful attention to detail. In “Nature,” Nair and Sansanwal invite viewers to look to him for a journey of self-discovery and respect for the natural world. It’s a testament to the power of art to enter our souls and connect us to something bigger than ourselves.

“Against a backdrop of ochre-textured strokes juxtaposed with smoked sienna, Sansanwal’s compositions evoke a sense of harmony and ethereal tranquillity, inviting contemplation of our enduring connection to the ever-unfolding tapestry of time,” says Nair, whose book ‘Meditations on Trees’ on the artist (published by Black Cube and Aleph Books) was released during the exhibition.

Leaving the show made me feel rejuvenated and gave me a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around us. Apart from the artistic prowess of Ompal Sansanwal, the curation of Uma Nair’s “Jiva” managed to captivate the viewers with the wonderful story of the importance of nature.

Lastly, I would like to say the show “Jiva,” Nair and Sansanwal take spectators on a journey of self-discovery and respect for the natural world. I left the show feeling invigorated and with a new respect for the beauty and intricacy of the world around us. Aside from Ompal Sansanwal’s artistic prowess, Uma Nair’s curation of “Jiva” captivated spectators with its great message about the value of nature.

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