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Radiance of Cosmic Consciousness – Who Am I to Who I Am by Sonika Agarwal, Review By Art&Deal Correspondent

Art & Deal Articles
Sonika Agarwal, Churning of Great Primordial Elements,
Acrylic on Canvas, 60 x 84 inches

I had the privilege to attend the solo show by Sonika Agarwal titled Radiance of Cosmic Consciousness – Who Am I to Who I Am, which was an extraordinary and intimate experience. It was a testament to the artist’s creativity, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the artist’s unique vision. For the first time, viewers got to experience the paintings in different dimensions, in light and dark.  The first dimension is the front-lit painting while the second dimension is when the front light is turned off and the paintings glow in the dark creating a 360-degree immersive experience that transports the viewers to the Cosmic Ocean (Kshira Sagara).

The collection featured a diverse range of artworks, showcasing the artist’s evolution and versatility. The thematic consistency and depth of the pieces were impressive, highlighting the artist’s commitment to their craft. The “Radiance of Cosmic Consciousness” has a new story to tell with an innovative technique not intimidated by the past.  These mystical paintings take you on a spiritual journey from “Who Am I to Who I Am.”

The Presented artworks were similar to the X-ray vision of the cosmos. They represent the sound and vibration of energies of the cosmos. It is commonly believed that to understand the world is far more important than to understand oneself. These representations on canvas are an eventful expression of a spiritual cosmos inside a human being. Sonika Agarwal’s paintings are arresting flashes of insight, an unabashed declaration of her inner radiance, a kind of visual image of the spirit which is countless tissues of light. Sonika intentionally didn’t belong to any school of thought. For her, it’s equally hard to remain uneducated in today’s times of distractions, belief systems, and intellectualisms to take over your mind and leave their impressions. She allows inspiration to run through her veins more as a tonic to let loose herself, her senses, and her own identity to reach the right pitch to play on her canvas. In these paintings the Cosmic Ocean stands revealed, opening wondrously their veils. These paintings are about seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard where the grosser light vanishes into the radiance of the cosmos.

The most moving moments of her paintings are her inability to refuse the movements of her lines, which she describes in words of Sadhguru, “Wherever you wish to go, who am I to say don’t.” It’s that very dimension that’s not physical. About her painting Passage of Life (Brahmandra) she describes it in the words of Paramahansa Yogananda, “Penetrate your consciousness through the star in the spiritual eye and enter into the Kingdom of the Infinite”.

The use of space and lighting within the gallery enhanced the impact of each artwork. It allowed for a deep connection with the pieces, creating an atmosphere that was both contemplative and engaging. One of the remarkable aspects of this exhibition was the opportunity to witness an artist’s growth and exploration. It’s as if you can see her journey unfold right before your eyes, from early works to their latest creations. This progression provided a dynamic narrative that added layers of meaning to the viewing experience.

The show served as a window into the artist’s soul, with each piece a reflection of her thoughts, emotions, and artistic expression. It was a reminder of the power of art to communicate and connect on a profound level. This show was a testament to the artist’s individuality and artistic prowess. It provided a unique opportunity to engage with the artist’s body of work in a way that goes beyond the constraints of group exhibitions. It was a deeply enriching and thought-provoking experience that left a lasting impression.

Sonika Agarwal, Churning of Great Primordial Elements,
Acrylic on Canvas, 60 x 84 inches (Effect in Dark)

Artist Journey

Sonika Aggarwal belongs to a small tranquil hill town in the Kumaon Hills of Uttarakhand state. After working for over 11 years with various artists, artisans, tribes, children, and nations one day she felt completely lost and a total stranger to herself. She took a step back, left behind everything that she was doing, and here began a journey of inner exploration in search of the Truth of who exactly I am inside my studio.

She questions the purpose of life or the very origin of life itself. What is the law of the universe? There is no visible thread connecting the Sun to the Earth or Earth to the Moon, so what is it that’s holding everything in place and perfect order? On this journey of Self-enquiry, the artist takes a leap of faith into the abyss, with no boundaries and limitations, to experience the existential reality.

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