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Art News EXHIBITION Exhibition in the city


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An Art Exhibition Exploring the Interplay of Tradition and Modernity Through Masterful Use of Light and Shadow

New Delhi, India – Alliance Française is proud to host “Shadows and Light,” a captivating art exhibition by the distinguished artist Ashwani Kumar, from 23rd to 25th August 2024. This exhibition offers a deep exploration of the dynamic transformation of India’s rural and urban landscapes through the unique lens of an architect turned painter.

The exhibition “Shadows and Light” is a narrative of India’s cultural evolution, captured in a collection of watercolors and oil paintings. Kumar’s work brings to life the interplay of ancient monuments and modern settlements, showcasing how the past and present coexist, sometimes in harmony and other times in stark contrast. Through his masterful use of light and shadow, Kumar creates a visual dialogue that not only highlights the beauty of India’s heritage but also its ongoing journey toward modernity.

Curator Preeti Harit reflects on the exhibition, stating, “‘Shadows and Light’ is more than an art exhibition; it is a profound exploration of India’s cultural identity. Through Ashwani Kumar’s artistic vision, we witness how the past and present constantly engage in a dialogue, shaping the future of our nation. This exhibition captures the essence of a country that is evolving yet deeply rooted in its rich heritage.”

Ashwani Kumar’s journey back to the canvas after a successful career in architecture is nothing short of inspirational. His background in architecture has profoundly influenced his artistic style, evident in the intricate cityscapes, aerial views, and architectural structures that form the core of his work. The exhibition features a series of paintings that juxtapose ancient Indian monuments with contemporary structures, each piece a testament to Kumar’s ability to blend bold brushstrokes with subtle details.

Reflecting on his work, Ashwani Kumar shares, “Art has always been my true calling, and ‘Shadows and Light’ is a culmination of my journey as both an architect and an artist. Through these paintings, I seek to capture the ever-changing landscapes of India, where tradition and modernity coexist, compete, and sometimes merge to create something entirely new. This exhibition is a tribute to the resilience and beauty of our cultural heritage.”

The exhibition will be open to the public from 10 AM to 6 PM at Alliance Française, Delhi. Art enthusiasts, collectors, and the general public are invited to immerse themselves in this visual narrative that celebrates the coexistence of India’s rich heritage with its modern aspirations.

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