Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India

Cover Story


Art & Deal Articles

A new Edition and a new Theme.

Storytelling is a long-standing practice in human society. Since time
immemorial, stories have been a medium of communication. They
have been the strength of keeping people intact to the roots of their
culture, and they have been the binding force of preserving culture for
the future. In the last ten years, storytelling has emerged as an art,
with professional storytellers delivering stories from many cultures,
histories, and beliefs.

The birth of ‘Kahaani’, a desire to know others, and a willingness to
share his memories led to the origin of one of the basic foundations
of the History of Art- Katha. For a long time, the storyteller has been
searching for the secrets of his surroundings, which are rich with known
and hidden mysteries of the human psyche. People created stories for a
variety of reasons which included entertainment, information transfer
between generations, cultural legacy preservation, and warning others
of risks. As Brandon Sanderson quotes, “The purpose of a storyteller
is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think
upon.”Putting this across to the readers, we are out with our new theme,
“Storytelling: Generation to Generation” as our special edition.

In this Special Edition of ours, you will get to immerse yourself in the
world of the stories that have shaped the history of the subcontinent.
Accounts that have lived for aeons and would continue in the future
by the storytellers. The emotions, and the cognitive features, that the
narratives have inspired in its audience as a vital aspect of storytelling.
Each chronicle here will transport you to the past, where you will
experience a range of feelings that have been put into while creating a
cultural, religious, political change in the society. This edition will unite
the history and refract its pandora of colors of art and architecture that
has established a meaning beyond the visual sights. We sincerely hope
this edition takes you to the journey of questions and answers on how
history has been created throughout the years.

I wish you all a happy reading until next time!!

Do share with us your feedback at

Siddhartha Tagore

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