Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India

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Art & Deal Articles

Art Fair and Art

Dr. Seema Bhalla

The question that arises is about the purpose of Art Fairs. The participating galleries vary from the most important to the new entrants who are trying their luck in the Art bazaar. The works of established artists can be seen in more than one gallery. Many a times, certain galleries display a work that was sold earlier but then, showing it in the Art Fair might add to the prestige of the gallery.

A mail sent by a European artist friend, about Artists running a Gallery in Miami, gives an insight into the innovativeness of a few artists who have decided to collectively run the gallery, in a city that hosts an International Art Fair, each year in December. The collective-artist-venture is thought provoking and it makes one start to reflect upon the equation between art, artists, collectors and the society at large.