Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India



Art & Deal Articles

An unexpectedly warm March ends with temperatures touching 40 degrees. One is left to reconcile in hopes that the coming months would miraculously stay below fifty. The changing weather /climate is much too stark to ignore. Global warming no more a threat of the distant future. It is here and now. And now is the time to make amends and ‘progress’ in an environment friendly fashion, but first is the necessity to acknowledge that the problem exists. Surekha delves into the causality of development and displacement with ‘Concrete Containers of Water: Floating Notes on Development’ Mario D’Souza explores.

Rajesh Punj talks to Tim Noble and Sue Webster about their art, ‘Punk’ an innovative genre of sculpture. Next Rohit Chawla talks to Indira Lakshmi Prasad about his calling to fine art photography in a candid interview. Dr. Aparna Roy Baliga delineates the works of Anandajit Ray in his recent solo show ‘Of standing open and polysemy’.

Subhra Mazumdar brings to us a detailed report of the 58th National Exhibition of Art, organised by Lalit Kala Akademi, at the National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru with the distribution of awards to artists and display of over a hundred chosen artworks. Also included are reviews of interesting exhibitions that took place recently in various parts of the country. Hope they engage you thoroughly. Do send us your feedback and suggestions. Happy reading!

Siddhartha Tagore

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