Art & Deal

Monthly Art Magazine in India



Art & Deal Articles

Sacred landscape of Ladakh in the art of
Nicholas Roerich

Vladimir Zaitsev

Ladakh is one of the most unique places in our planet, situated on the high plateau of Western Himalayas, this barren land for centuries was known as a cultural oasis of the great philosophical teachings, religions and arts, cross-road of old trade routes, and gateway to Central Asia and Tibet. Until mid-19th century its historical and spiritual environment was a long cherished dream – terra incognita for European explorers and scholars who were looking to find there keys for understanding a Central Asian history, migration and trade routes, origin of ancient cults and forgotten artistic traditions. Magnetic power of this ancient land attracted not only great scientists, it also motivated a several European artists like Vasiliy Vereshchagin, Nicholas Roerich, and Lama Anagarika Govinda, to undertake risky and hard travelling to high mountains between middle of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.